Von Miller Sued For Alleged Revenge Porn!!


Buffalo Payments star Von Miller is being sued for distributing sexually specific pictures of an ex.

In keeping with TMZ, the pics are from a 2020 relationship and the then-couple took images of sexual acts. After they broke up, the girl alleges Miller despatched images to 2 potential admirers later in 2020 “in a match of jealousy, anger, and rage,” the lawsuit alleges.

The lawsuit claims every of the pics Miller shared with the “celebrities” got here with the message: “This the (bleep) you need?”

Miller denies the allegations.

Joby Branion, Miller’ agent, said: “These are allegations. Von has not accomplished what he’s being accused of. He continues to be targeted on his household and preparations for what he hopes shall be a profitable season.”

The alleged sufferer’s lawyer writes: “This case is a cautionary story for younger lady that date skilled athletes like Miller that suppose legal guidelines don’t apply due to fame, cash, and energy.”

“Nonetheless, skilled athletes usually are not exempt from the regulation and Miler’s vindictive, manipulative and illegal actions should not be ignored,” the lawsuit reads.

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